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Oh grad school. Hoping this year will go by painlessly.
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ASOS | The Green Room

ASOS AFRICA Top Hey y'all! I found another great source of sustainable fashion! ASOS is one of the companies that I don't mind purchasing from because they have a Corporate Responsibility  (check it out!) page to where you can find information about their corporate culture and how they are working towards becoming a more sustainable fashion company. The Green Room is a site within ASOS where those who are interested in purchasing sustainable fashions or beauty goods can go to learn about sustainability and purchase from manufacturers who use sustainable business practices. Made Hair Crown The green room features products that are either ethically made, environmentally friendly, reclaimed vintage, support organizations or charities, or products that are domestically manufactured within that specific country which supports local jobs and uses local resources. The site also provides a glossary of terminology for sustainable fashion here . ASOS AFRICA Dress

Fashion Profile | Eileen Fisher

As stated on the company's website:    ONLY 66% OF WHAT YOU SEE HERE IS SUSTAINABLE. THAT'S GOING TO CHANGE. NO EXCUSES. The dress is bluesign® certified silk. The jeans are made with organic cotton. And the cardigan? It's one of our Icons, made with fine-gauge linen. The fiber isn't organic this season, but it will be. And by 2020, if the linen is conventionally grown we won't use it.This isn't a perfect picture, but it's an accurate one. We know there's still work to be done. No excuses. In my search in finding sustainable brands, I stumbled upon an ad for Eileen Fisher and their Vision 2020 initiative. This is the first fashion company I have come across with this type of initiative. This is definitely a brand I will keep an eye on to see if they are able to accomplish their goal. Eileen Fisher's vision is in tune to what I feel fashion retail companies should be doing specifically in regards to addressing their social, ethic


By unknown. Woo! I have completed my first year of grad school! That is all I really have as my excuse for the lack of posting. It really did consume my life for the semester. I am going to do absolutely nothing for the next week....and see how long it'll take before I go crazy. I have learned so much during my first year, so I need to get cracking on more informative fashion posts and just plan randomness as well. Till then, nada. -Desi

Happy 2015!

So we are over a week into the new year and I finally have time to reflect a little on which goals I accomplished and which are still in process ( Happy 2014 ). I decided to not make any new resolutions or goals and just continue to work on the ones I have yet to complete. So last year I had set six goals that I wanted to work on. The first was: 1. Stop procrastinating I definitely feel that I improved on this goal because to get any of my other goals in the works I had to get of my bum and just do it. But this area can definitely use some improvement  when it comes to my school work because I literally can not afford to waste any time. Grad school is hard, but I know this year will be a lot easier than the first semester. 2. Make more time for myself 2014 was a big year for me, myself, and I. I feel I did focus on myself more than I have in a long time. Lets see, I decided to go natural with my hair...since June 2014, I learned how to read Hangul which has improved

Reflection | Grad Life

TxState I can't believe it has been three months since my last post. All I can say is that it has been the longest three months of my life, or at least it felt like it was going painfully slow. I have just completed my first semester of grad school and I can say for a fact that it is hard. I should try to give myself some sort of credit. It has been over two and a half years since I have gotten my bachelor's, so I was completely  out of school mode when I decided to go back. I will say that if you make the decision to get your masters, definitely make sure that you have weighed all of your pros and cons.  I am not at all saying that I regret going back to school. There have been some aspects that I have enjoyed more than others. For one, I cannot honestly see how I could hold a regular paying job while focusing on school full-time. I decided to go for a graduate assistantship so I can bring in some income since I won't be "working"  anymore. For me it b

Sustainability Tech | Nike's Making App. Hey guys! I know... I know its been a minute, but grad. school is keeping me pretty occupied. While I was busy doing research, I stumbled across an interesting article, , talking about Nike's "Making" app and I must say it is pretty awesome! Being that the focus of my Master's is in merchandising and consumer studies, I will be doing a ton of research on sustainability and this app is a great tool for me and for anyone who its wanting information on the sustainability of materials or fabrics they may purchase or use.  The app provides the environmental impact for materials in the areas of chemistry, water consumption, energy and waste and it compares fabrics so you know which is better for you to use from a sustainable standpoint.  It is free for anyone to download (only on iOS), so of course I did and it's amazing how much information this app offers to you.  If you every wanted to know the impact of the materials that